Mission Enablers
Who are Mission Enablers and what do they do?
Deanery Partnership Mission Enablers are here to help equip people throughout the Diocese, in parishes, chaplaincies, schools, homes and workplaces, to live out and communicate their Christian faith in compelling, honest and locally responsive ways.
Mission Enablers come alongside your church community and ask ‘What is happening around here to grow God’s Church? In numbers, deepening faith and service in the community? How can I help with that?’.
Get in touch with your Mission Enabler to see how they can support you.
Click or tap the drop-down below to meet your Mission Enabler.

North Kesteven – Revd Rebecca Rock
07485 692851
Contact Rebecca for advice and support in relation to mission in churches in the North Kesteven partnership area.
For example:
- Workshops and ideas sessions with PCCs or small groups to develop missional plans.
- What it means to be a community or festival church.
- Using your church building as a prayer space.
- Hosting special events & services to bring the community together.
East Lindsey – Tom Hedges
07795 890361
Contact Tom for advice and support in relation to mission in churches in the East Lindsey partnership area.
For example:
- Offering simple ideas on spreading the Good News of Jesus Christ.
- Sharing resources that have worked for others.
- Coaching individuals or groups on missional activities in community and festival churches.
- I am happy to visit and meet people in person.

Boston – David Acheson
01205 359098
Contact David for advice and support in relation to mission in churches in the Boston Deanery Partnership area. They are at a time when they are ready to move forward and change in ways that are appropriate for each church context.
The things David offers include:
- Help and advice on running ‘Discovery’ types of courses for people new to and growing in faith such as the Alpha Course, Christianity Explored and The Bible Course.
- Advice and support with how to envision, develop and implement a missional plan.
- Guidance on using the Healthy Churches Handbook.

North East Lincolnshire – Christine Goldsmith
07494 870701
Christine is passionate about mission, particularly in rural communities. She is open and willing to push the boundaries and try out new ideas to share the amazing story of the Gospel. Christine always looks for where God is at work and how to join in!
Please contact Christine for:
- Any help or support in developing and guiding mission particularly in rural parishes.
- What it really means to be a community or celebration church, how do we value them, and how do we not just maintain but grow God’s Kingdom within both our churches and our communities.
- Help and assiste in running workshops for PCC’s and church groups in identifying mission opportunities and developing action plans.

West Lindsey – John Beverly
07494 870701
Contact John for help in developing Mission in the following ways:
- Enabling people with little experience of being missional to begin reaching out to their communities in simple and practical ways.
- Acting as an external partner as a catalyst for ideas and planning and to monitor progress in being a church that “Goes and does”.
- To suggest ways to develop congregations as disciples.

Lincoln – Ben Brady
01522 275067
As the Misson Enabler for the Lincoln Deanery Partnership, feel free to contact Ben to:
- Discuss how your church can engage more with you context.
- Build confidence in outreach/evangelism and growing in discipleship.
- Support vision days with churches in helping set and plan a way forward.
- Suggest options around mission for a mixture of contexts in city, estates and suburb, tweaked to local knowledge and experience.

The Elloes – Ian Walters
Tel 01775 423216 / Mob 07831 645683
Ian believes that with God’s help there is great potential to develop local church. As a retired parish priest, native of rural Lincolnshire, he’s always been interested in rural ministry, and worked with town centre churches.
As your Mission Enabler, he’s here to support churches in exploring and establishing:
- Local missional projects.
- Outreach with children, young people and families, church youth clubs and Messy Church.
- Processes for discerning and using our valuable gifts.
- Ways of sharing and learning from success stories.

Estates Focal Lead and Bishops Adviser – Samantha Parsons
01476 574145
Samantha supports and advocates for all who minister in Estates and Low-Income Communities across the diocese. Contact Sam for support, resources, networking, and training for mission, as well as:
- Pastoral support for people ministering within estates and low income communities.
- Information about resources for mission and ministry within estates and low income communities.
- Information about possible sources of funding for projects.
- Networking with others who work in estates and low income communities to provide mutual support and learning.
- Training for mission – Finding the Treasure: growing abundant communities when resources seem scarce.
What the Mission Enablers have been doing:
See what the Mission Enablers have been getting involved with:
Christine Goldsmith: Sprucing up St Helen’s (Barnolby Le Beck)

“I’ve been working with volunteers in the village to see if we can save this beautiful church from closing. We’ve now had two village meetings and the volunteers are increasing.
The enthusiasm to save this church is incredible – almost like lighting a touch paper – and then seeing what emerges.
Yesterday a team spent four hours tidying and clearing a good part of the very overgrown church yard and are now looking into registering as an eco church. A good clean up inside the church also took place by these amazing people.
Coffee mornings and an historical talk on Barnolby Beck village are planned with lots more in the pipeline to fundraise.”
Signed, Chrissie