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Reports and Audits

This page seeks to make reports, audits and reviews easily accessible and includes both national and local publications that are relevant to safeguarding and stakeholders in the Diocese of Lincoln.  

The National Safeguarding Team publishes releases on the Church of England website.

Past Case Review 2 

PCR2 stands for ‘Past Cases Review 2’ and is a national independent review of the handling by the Church of safeguarding cases over many years. The purpose of the PCR2 was to ensure that all known cases of concerns about the behaviour of clergy and church officers towards children and vulnerable adults had been dealt with appropriately. It also sought to identify and address those cases which had not been acted upon appropriately. It was carried out in all parishes in all Diocese within the Church of England. 

The objectives were: 

  • To ensure all known safeguarding cases have been appropriately identified and managed 
  • The needs of known survivors have been considered and supported 
  • That all identified risks had been assessed and mitigated as far as as is reasonably possible 

The Church of England launched the review in August 2019. The Diocese of Lincoln published their Executive Summary Public Report in October 2022 as the National Safeguarding Team also published the National Report. You can find these documents below.