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Wedding and funeral fees 

Weddings, baptisms and funerals offer the Church precious opportunities to serve the people of God in the local community. It is an opportunity to share in moments of great celebration and to provide pastoral care, and is the Church reflecting the concern and love of God for his people. 

Alongside such opportunities, we are particularly grateful for the supportive role played by church officers in ensuring the smooth running of these occasions. This can include your presence and contribution to such services, and also administrative tasks such as the handling of paperwork and the management of Parochial Fees. 

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The Church of England is required to publish a Table of Parochial Fees, effective from the 1st of January each year, which contains details of the statutory fees that are payable for weddings, funerals, burials and the erection of monuments in churchyards. These fees are the legal property of either the Lincoln Diocesan Trust and Board of Finance or of your PCC.

Burials or funerals in church, a churchyard, cemetery or crematorium 

For every burial or funeral in church, churchyard, cemetery or crematorium, please complete a PF1 form and send it to or by post to the Finance Department, Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PU. The diocesan office will pay into your parish’s bank account all the money due to it (including any money you will be paying out to people, such as organists). The diocesan office will then collect the whole sum of money from the funeral director. 

Reservation of a gravespace in a churchyard 

All the information regarding the process of reserving a gravespace, and the fees associated with it, can be found on the Diocese of Lincoln Registry website. The notes for intending petitioners (which includes the application form) can be found below. 

Weddings in church 

For every wedding in church, you will need to collect the money due from the couple yourselves. You will need to be able to supply the couple with a breakdown of what is being charged. Please complete a PF2 form and send this to the Finance Department with the element of the fee due to the Lincoln Diocesan Trust and Board of Finance. 

Monuments in churchyards 

Finally, for fees relating to the erection of monuments in churchyards, please use a PF3 form. Please send this form either by email to or by post to the Finance Department, Edward King House, Minster Yard, Lincoln, LN2 1PU. The diocesan office will pay into your parish’s bank account all the money due to it after the whole sum of money has been collected from the funeral director. 

Services by a non-stipendiary minister 

Where a service is taken by a non-stipendiary minister of any sort (including ordained local ministers and retired clergy with permission to officiate) this person can claim payment from the Finance Department using the bank details form within 12 weeks of the service.  The parish is responsible for paying any expenses directly, but the fee will be paid directly after the claim has been made.

For any further advice please contact the Finance Department.