The Community of St Hugh
The Community of St Hugh is a community called to pray in, with and for our diocese. It may be our initiative but we believe it was called into being by God. Membership is open to anyone, regardless of age or experience. It invites you to deepen your worship and prayer, discipleship and service.
Prayer is at the heart of our Christian life
“If we want to see things changed, it starts with prayer. It starts with a new spirit of prayer, using all the traditions, ancient and modern. When it comes, it will be linked to what has gone before, but it will look different – because it is a new renewal for new times. God’s created community is perfectly designed for its time and place. It almost always comes from below. It comes from Christians seeking Christ.”
The Archbishop of Canterbury, Justin Welby
The Community of St Hugh is our response to these calls to deepen prayer and become more like Jesus. Community members are encouraged to develop a rule of life based around three headings, and in line with our diocesan priorities of
- worship
- discipleship
- service
but also develop their own detailed patterns in response to these headings. Each member is encouraged to give time to discerning through prayer how they might respond to each heading.
“What we need are more Christ-like Christians”.
Former Bishop of Lincoln, Edward King
Here are some helpful resources relating to the Community of St Hugh (contact information is available at the foot of the page).

Collect for St Hugh
The members of the community commit to praying every day, the Diocesan prayer and the following Collect:
O God, who endowed your servant Hugh with a wise and cheerful boldness, and taught him to commend to earthly rulers the discipline of a holy life: give us grace like him to be bold in the service of the gospel, putting our confidence in Christ alone, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen