Transformation Fund
This fund provides grants for missional initiatives or significantly developing projects that will transform lives across Greater Lincolnshire. There are two levels of grants: Tier 1 (max £500), and Tier 2 (£501 – max £20,000). Applications can come from churches, parishes, benefices, deaneries or church-affiliated and ecumenical groups connected to the diocese.
The fund supports missional projects, in line with diocesan priority areas:
- Worship: growing the number of people worshiping Jesus Christ as Lord and Saviour
- Discipleship: growing the depth of Christian faith and spirituality, learning to be followers of Jesus Christ and become more like him
- Service: growing in serving the church and local community.
Priority will be given to projects which align with the Anglican Communion’s Five Marks of Mission and:
- develop and grow our mission, ministry and discipleship, lay and ordained
- strengthen local partnerships to allow missional developments to flourish
- help with administration and governance, such as by developing communication and improving technology
The Transformation Fund application process is also a gateway to additional missional trust funds. Their charitable objectives cover the area of the Diocese of Lincoln and are focussed on:
- Church activity with children, young people, families, their mental health and wellbeing
- Wider church projects for people in areas of income deprivation offering employment, or training and preparing for employment
- Ecumenical projects serving communities with a focus on social justice
- Christian Youth Organisations in Lincoln – particularly uniformed groups,
- Religious, charitable or educational purposes, particularly spiritual, intellectual, moral, social or physical needs
Tier 1 and 2 applications will:

- promote growth
- be prayerfully considered
- be researched and evidence-based
- encourage parishes to take considered risks
- be well thought out
- demonstrate good stewardship
- lead to transformation.
NB the Transformation Fund does not fund building projects or repairs.
Tier 1 Grants
Tier 1 grants cover up to £500
This tier is designed to help churches quickly progress their ideas. Applications can be submitted at any time of the year to:
Tier 2 Grants
Tier 2 grants cover from £501 to a maximum of £20,000 within any one year.
If you are planning a Tier 2 application, contact the Transformation Fund Officer early in your thinking. Continuation funding on a sliding scale into future years (max 3 years) can be considered. The application requires prayerful consideration and significant preparation.
The closing dates for 2025 applications are:
24th February for a panel meeting on the 10th March 2025
23rd May for a panel meeting on the 9th June 2025
1st September for a panel meeting on the 15th September 2025
22nd November for a panel meeting on the 8th December 2025